Lindbergh Articles from the New York Times
Lindbergh Does It! To Paris in 33 1/2 Hours; Flies 1,000 Miles Through Snow and Sleet; Cheering French Carry Him Off Field (May 21, 1927)
Could Have Gone 500 Miles Farther (May 22, 1927)
Paris Spent Day Wishing Success (May 22, 1927)
Lindbergh Took Shortest Route to Paris; Geographers Explain Great Circle Puzzle (May 22, 1927)
Board to Meet Soon on Prize to Lindbergh (May 22, 1927)
Levine Abandons Bellanca Flight (May 22, 1927)
Mother Glad First For Flier's Safety (May 22, 1927)
Life With Lindy (May 8, 1977)
The Kidnapping:
Lindbergh Baby Kidnapped From Home of Parents on Farm Near Princeton; Taken From His Crib; Wide Search On (March 2, 1932)
Father Searches Grounds For Child (March 2, 1932)
Four States Join Hunt (March 2, 1932)
World Hailed Birth of Lindbergh's Son (March 2, 1932)
Lindbergh Hopeful, Is Ready To Ransom Son (March 3, 1932)
Kidnapping Arouses Sympathy Of Nation (March 3, 1932)
Federal Aid In Hunt Ordered By Hoover (March 3, 1932)
Roosevelt Orders State Police Hunt (March 3, 1932)
Kidnapping of Lindbergh Baby Is Climax of Nation-Wide 'Abduction Racket' (March 3, 1932)
Kidnapping Wave Sweeps The Nation (March 3, 1932)
Sleepless Father Persists In Search (March 3, 1932)
The Trial:
10 Hauptmann Case Jurors, 4 Women, Quickly Chosen; Col. Lindbergh a Spectator (January 3, 1935)
Foreman of Jury 25 Years in Same Job; Nine of the First Ten Chosen Have Families (January 3, 1935)
Novelist Sketches the Trial Scene (January 3, 1935)
Hauptmann Guilty, Sentenced to Death for the Murder of the Lindbergh Baby (February 14, 1935)
Trial Is Likened To A Bull Fight, by Ford Maddox Ford (February 14, 1935)
Jury Courageous, Wilentz Declares (February 14, 1935)
Swelling Roar of Crowd Greets Bell Announcing Jury Had Reached a Verdict (February 14, 1935)
Hauptmann in Cell Falls in Collapse (February 14, 1935)
Mrs Hauptmann's Cause: The Fight to Reopen 'The Trial of the Century' (October 20, 1981)
Byrne to Release Lindbergh Files, 49 Years After the Kidnapping (October 7, 1981)
Lindbergh Journal on War Era Is Due (March 11, 1970)
Lindbergh Says U.S. 'Lost ' World War II (August 30, 1970)
Lindbergh Said to Regret Misperceptions Over Jews (April 20, 1980)
Conservation and Legacy
Lindbergh Traveling Widely as Conservationist (June 23, 1969)
That's the Way It Was in '27 (May 22, 1977)
Lindbergh Memorial Fund Begun by Doolittle afnd Neil Armstrong (October 20, 1976)
Man and Craft Were One, As a New Age Began (May 21, 2002, Tuesday)
Lindbergh Dies of Cancer in Hawaii at the Age of 72 (August 27, 1974)
Daring Lindbergh Attained the Unattainable With Historic Flight Across Atlantic (August 27, 1974)
The Flight:
This is a report from Paris describing the minutes after Lindbergh landed
New York Times
After false alarms all day the "corps of frantic newspaper men" finally found Lindbergh, too exhilirated to sleep, talking with the American Ambassador to France at the embassy.
New York Times
The French public "could not have shown toward Lindbergh's flight a more kindly, more sympathetic, more enthusiastic attitude."
New York Times
The National Geographic Society released a statement explaining "that in the higher latitudes, the shortest distance between two points, because of the earth's curvature, is not on the east and west parallel, but on the arc of a circle."
New York Times
Raymond Orteig, a new York hotel owner, had offered a substantial cash prize for the first aviator to cross the Atlantic.
New York Times
Clarence D. Chamberlin, one of Lindbergh's rivals for the pioneering flight, had to give up his attempt after disputes with the owner of his plane.
New York Times
Evangeline Lodge Lindbergh, Charles's mother, said "He has accomplished the greatest undertaking of his life, and I am proud to be the mother of such a boy."
New York Times
In preparation for the 50th anniversary of the flight, Anne Morrow Lindbergh granted a rare interview.
New York Times
Lindbergh's infant son, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr., was discovered missing from his crib by his nurse.
New York Times
This article describes the moments after reporters arrived and found footprints leading to the window near the baby crib.
New York Times
"Within ten minutes [of Lindbergh's call for help] every communication method of modern science had been utilized to broadcast the alarm and to mobilize the police systems of four States and scores of communities in the search."
New York Times
The birth of Lindbergh's son was instantly broadcast around the world by crowds of reporters who had surrounded the Lindbergh house in anticipation.
New York Times
Lindbergh declared himself ready to pay the $50,000 demanded by the kidnappers.
New York Times
This article reounts the messages of support from colleagues, clergy and other eminent Americans.
New York Times
All criminal-detection agencies of the government went into action to aid in the recovery of Lindbergh's son. From the White House to the halls of Congress the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby assumed, from the moment it became known, major importance.
New York Times
F.D.R., who would later become a nemesis of Lindbergh, sprung into action as Governor of New York when he learned of the kidnapping.
New York Times
Literally every police officer in New York state was put on the Lindbergh kidnapping case.
New York Times
The Lindbergh kidnapping was portrayed as a part of a growing problem of abduction for ransom by organized syndicates
New York Times
Lindbergh took personal charge of the hunt for his infant son, transforming his mountain home into field headquarters for an army of searchers.
New York Times
Two years and ten months from the date of the tragedy at Hopewell, Bruno Richard Hauptmann was placed on trial for his life, charged with the murder of Charles A. Lindbergh Jr.
New York Times
This article is a profile of the jury chosen to decide the Hauptmann case.
New York Times
In this portrait of the courtroom during jury selection, the reporter has to convince herself that the larger-than-life trial is reality and not a scene from a movie.
New York Times
Bruno Richard Hauptmann was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to death for the kidnapping of Lindbergh's son.
New York Times
"[T]he affair cannot but have, however unjustly, the aspect of the most famous and fortunate man in the world versus a miserable shred of human jetsam. And there is too much class hatred in the world already and the passion for bloodshed is too keen."
New York Times
This article consists of comments on the Hauptmann verdict by the key players.
New York Times
Thousands of witnesses gathered at the courthouse to await the verdict.
New York Times
An account of Hauptmann's exhaustion on the day of the verdict.
New York Times
Anna Hauptmann, at the age of 82, was still fighting to clear her husband's name.
New York Times
As a result of Anna Hauptmann's suit, Governor Byrne said that he would issue an executive order making 90,000 documents and pieces of evidence in the Lindbergh kidnapping available to scholars and other "interested parties."
New York Times
Lindbergh announced his intention to publish his diaries from the years 1937-1945.
New York Times
The release of Lindbergh's wartime journals reopened the issue of his opposition to World War II, which had only grown more resolute with the passage of time.
New York Times
Anne Morrow's wartime diaries revealed that Lindbergh felt guilty about his perceived anti-Semitism, especially after finding out about the Nazi death camps.
New York Times
Late in life, Lindbergh, once again sacrificing his privacy, became a passionate voice for preserving the environment.
New York Times
John Frogge recalled Lindbergh's flight, which he covered for The New York Times, on its 50th anniversary.
New York Times
Two pilots of note, Gen. James M. Doolittle and Neil A. Armstrong, announced plans to establish the Lindbergh Memorial Fund to support the work of young scientists, explorers and conservationists.
New York Times
Those who look at the Spirit of St. Louis in the museum are seeing an artifact from a time when human beings were on more intimate terms with their technology. Their machines still seemed understandable as evolved extensions of ordinary human abilities.
New York Times
Lindbergh's obituary.
New York Times
The second part of Lindbergh's obituary is a lengthy profile.
New York Times
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