About Charles Lindbergh Owner/Developer-Pat Ranfranz
Visit Pat Ranfranz's new web site; MissingAirCrew.com. The web site is dedicated to the memories of the ten crew members of the Coleman B-24 Crew who were shot down by a Japanese fighter and declared missing and non-recoverable on 25 June 1944. Visit MissingAirCrew.com.
Why Did I Develop the CharlesLindbergh.com Web Site?
My interest in aviation, history, and web development are all factors which have inspired me to create this site. The seed for this site was planted after I read the book, Lindbergh by A. Scott Berg, (Impossible to overpraise this Pulitzer Prize winning biography) and then went searching on the web for more information. I was surprised to find the web lacked a comprehensive site about the life and times of Charles Lindbergh. I decided to utilize my web development knowledge to create a comprehensive Lindbergh web site. My goal in creating and maintaining this site has been to develop a comprehensive and fair web site dedicated to the memory of Charles Lindbergh while also attempting to preserve his dignity and document the history. The CharlesLindbergh.com web site is not a money making business but one of my hobbies.
Patrick T. Ranfranz, CharlesLindbergh.com Owner/Developer
In addition, a lot people are surprised to find out Charles Lindbergh was involved in so much more than the famous New York to Paris flight in May 1927 and the tragic kidnapping of his son in March 1932. Charles Lindbergh's lifetime reads like a roadmap of history between 1904 and 1974. I found Charles Lindbergh's life particularly interesting from a historical perspective because of the role he played in so many important events during the twentieth century. I hope this web site helps visitors explore the life and times of Charles Lindbergh.
This site is not affiliated with the Lindbergh family, Lindbergh Foundation, or any other organization or group. Although I am a member of both the Lindbergh Foundation (individual donor) and the C.A.L./N-X-211 Collectors Society, I am not an active day-to-day participant within either organization.
This entire site has been developed, hosted, and maintained out of my own pocket and time. Once again, the site is not a money making business but something I do for fun during my free time.
My Background
I'm a 38 year old Executive Director of Marketing Operations for AGS Publishing. I live in Shoreview, Minnesota with my wife and daughter. I grew up in Rochester, Minnesota and graduated from Rochester John Marshal High School. I then went on to the University of Wisconsin and graduated with a degree in History & Anthropology.
My Interest in Aviation
My interest in aviation goes back to my childhood. While growing up in Rochester, Minnesota I was fascinated that my uncle, Skip Caldbeck, was a private pilot who owned his own plane. He created a grass runway (Caldbeck Field) next to his farm house and was able to walk out his front door, open his hanger, and take off right next to his house. The private Caldbeck field is still active and listed on sectional aeronautical charts near Rochester, Minnesota.
In addition, my interest in aviation is also reflected in my research to locate information about my uncle, John R. McCullough (ID#39293812), who was shot down in a B-24 just south of the island of Yap (South Pacific) on June 25, 1945. He was a B-24 radio operator when his plane was attached by Japanese planes and shot down. His body was never recovered (MIA/KIA). This research led me to write my senior thesis in college titled, "The Development of Air Power". Visit MissingAirCrew.com.
Private Pilot license on March 29, 2002
Although I've always wanted to be a pilot, I did not start my pilot training until July 2001. I achieved my long awaited goal of obtaining a Private Pilot license on March 29, 2002. My flight training was completed through Anoka Flight Training in Blaine, Minnesota. Although I most often fly Cessna 150-172s, I'm also checked out to fly the Diamond DA-20 (low wing composite plane with a stick). I purchased my first plane, a 1979 Cessna 152-II, on July 1, 2003. The bottom line is that I love to fly and my 152 will see hundreds of hours in the upcoming months and years!
CharlesLindbergh.com Feedback?
Do you have an update, correction, or addition for this web site? If yes, please feel free to contact me. I'm always looking for new information and resources to add to the site. Although I try hard to provide error-free information, its possible that some of the information includes errors. Please remember that the CharlesLindbergh.com staff consists of one member, me! I enjoy hearing from anyone who can help provide editing, additional information, helpful links, or corrections for the site. Feel free to send me information to add to the site!
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Pat Ranfranz
3165 Victoria Street N
Shoreview, MN 55126
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